兔 Rabbit
This is the Tai sui year for the rabbit, there is plenty of evil star and less lucky ones. You may encounter many obstacles this year in the things you do. You may have nobility that can lend a hand in your career but you will still be prone to possible pressure. You have to stay positive and strive to forge ahead, try as much as you can to improve your social skills to make future career. You will be very much prone to emotional problems, you will encounter many moodswings, hot temper and it is sometimes difficult to control. You may encounter many argument with others. This year, you should pay attention to your health, stay alert to prevent accidents. Wealth is bad, not suitable for high-risk investments in order to avoid money disputes.
This year at work, there is a lot of pressure for the rabbit, social relationships may not be too good when dealing with bosses and fellow colleagues, disputes may occur. You may need to put in extra effort to improve relations between people around you as well as keeping low profile on everything you got to do. Be mindful of your behaviour and on others to avoid offending anyone. You may meet some nobility, but possible obstacles is surrounding. Therefore you are to be vigilant and alert, do not take thing too lightly. You should also carry out tasks step by step to avoid unecessary problem that may affect the progress of the task. Rabbit people should be extra careful In everything you do this year, making new friends to be specific, especially a partner.
财运: 今年属兔朋友的财运非常不利,不仅钱财的进账不理想,而且容易有漏财的事情发生,以致出现入不敷出的财务危机,应避免不必要的花销,看紧钱袋,而且容易发生金钱纠纷,所以不要轻信他人,不要与人合伙做生意或是给朋友做担保人,都可能让你陷入难以解决的困境。做生意的朋友,今年也不是个利于投资的好年份,尽量控制投资欲。偏财运同样不可期待,投机或是赌博输多赢少,所以少赌为妙。
This is a very bad fortune year for the rabbit. Not only it is difficult for you to earn bucks, you may encounter money loss that may cause you to result in financial crisis. You should be more aware of your spending as well as being extra careful whe dealing with money. Do not rely on others, and avoid doing any business. You should be careful on any investment or being a guarantor is not advisable. As for those that are doing business, you may consider to stay low profile and avoid any big investment. Strong advise to avoid stock investment or any form of gambling.
Love luck is weak, regardless whether you are single or married. Singles do not expect too much, even if there is chances of meeting people, most of it will not meet a good result. As the mood for the rabbit is poor, stormy moods and hot temper, you may find that there is a lot of arguments and dispites between the attached. Try to take the initiative and accommodating each other, make effort for more communication. If there is any breakup due to unnecessary fight, you will regret. There will also be many villains that intrudes into your relatioship.
This year health is not pleasant as there is an evil star in it. Health for the rabbit will be relatively poor, pay extra attention on the gastrointestinal problems, you are also prone to Xueguang. You should develop good eating habits, have healthy meal and eat on time. You will also be prone to limbs injury, be careful when handling metal tool, stay as far away as you can. When you are not in a good mood, you should avoid going out, such as the inevitable need to drive or travel. Pay attention to safety this year, avoid situation that may triggers your emotion and provoke unnecessary trouble.
First Month:
The first month of the year, fortune not too smooth for the rabbit. There seem to have no progress in the cause of wealth. You will meet many obstacles therefore you should not act rashly. Ensure that you keep a low profile, be patient and wait for opportunity. Avoid any disagreement among colleagues and do not get involve with gossips. Wealth is weak for this month, therefore avoid gambling. Health is not satisfactory, be mindful and do exercises, but also guard against accidents of Xueguang. Love life is happy, a romantic candlelight dinner can become a good way to enhance feelings.
2nd month:
Fortune this month remains unwell, there seem to be many disputes In your work, struggles, and experiencing something goes wrong. Advise that you should be low key and stay away of villains thay may get you into a framed object. Income is fairly stable, the accumulation of money or the ups and downs, you should not make any investment. Relationship with love one is weak. You can start to make friends but not move into a relatioship yet. Marriage is not a good time. Health has greatly improved compared to last month, it is best suggest that you keep enough time to rest, it will not be much of a problem.
3rd month:
Fortune has a little improvement this month, especially in the career development, work seem to get done easier than before. You may encounter pleasant surprise, but you should still maintain low profile to avoid jealousy from others. Fortune is shining, you can move a little into investment and be mindful about it to attract good returns. You should understand the financial management and rational use of funds arrangements, can there be greater development. As your immune system is weak, you are advise to pay attention to your health especially on your gastrointestinal organs. Be careful with your safety and avoid attending any funeral.
4th month:
Fortune seem low this month, you will meet some problems at work, there seem a chain of unhappy issues. Therefore you shoyld be on your guard to avoid complete failure, wasting the effort expended before. This month there will be many additional expenses, and wealth is not very good, you should be aware of that. Health is weak, have enough sleep, rest and avoid physical and mental strain. The rabbit may encounter Xueguang this month, therefore ensure safety while driving. Love is sweet and you should cherish time with one another.
5th month:
Fortune improve slightly this month, you have to work hard for your career, so as to maintain a achieve a good development. In order to seek progress, you should ensure good social skills and relationship. Do not act rashly and maintain a clear head. Wealth is average, do not be too greedy. Singles may get the chance to meet someone they like but married couples may encounter disputes over unexpected situation. You have to pay attention to your health, be careful with any diseases problem, avoid eating cold food.
6th month:
Work is smooth this month, many problems from the previous months seem to be resolve. But with any possible mistake, things get fragile and you may seem to be pull into gossips and rumor. Do not get involve with others issue. Wealth is unstable. Be aware of your spending to avoid getting into any financial troubles. Emotional twists and turns occur, you should accommodate each other in love, have trust with each other and avoid any argument.
7th month:
Fortune slowly rise steadily this month, you may get some minor job done. Many problems that you have before seem to resolve this month. Any gossips or rumor should stop. There will be some stable career development, nobility assistant make it more handy for you to get things done but still not fast. It should be at slow and one step at a time. This month is also a good opportunity for investment partnership, and there will be a good return. Small gambling is possible. Love luck is good, there may be chances for marriages. Married couple find it easy to communicate with each other and issue from before get resovles. You may be prone to slight flu, therefore exercise is recommend.
8th month:
Fortune slow down this month, work is of many instability. You have to be careful and mindful about your action at work in order to avoid jeopardizing your effort made before. You may encounter some money loss, do not make an loan and definitely no investment. You must pay attention to prudent financial management, in order to avoid huge loss of money. Healthy is average, pay close attention to food hygiene and body care, guard against relapse. Love luck is slow, therefore you have to make planning to avoid any bad romance. This month you can go for blood donation or get involve in charity to resolve adverse fortune.
9th month:
Fortune is fluctuating this month, there is a high level of stress at work. Although you may meet nobility assistant but you will still meet many obstacles and changes that requires plenty of efforts. Be aware of the people around you, guard against any obstruction. Avoid any investment this month. Singles may get the chance to meet someone desire. It is a appropriate time for married. Relationship blossom between couples.
10th month:
Fortune pick up a lot this month, the twists and turns gets better. Wealth is better and strong, you may get to see additional income. Work improve positively and many problems eliminated. Be calm in your observation, it is a good time to make a bigger step to obtain great progress. Wealth is also a good side, investment profitability, but pay attention to locking doors and windows when heading out, in order to avoid the disaster of banditry. Love life may have some issue, show more understanding and share mutual affection. Health is weak, gastrointestinal damage may occur, pay close attention to your diet.
11th month:
Fortune fall this month, may encounter chances of monetary loss. You should be aware to minimize unnecessary expenses, and take care of your belongings, especially valuables item not to be exposed, so as to avoid theft. Career will remain good, in order to make more progress, you should learn to gain positive experience at work, improve personal capacity, while maintaining good relationship with colleagues, in order to gain more support. This month, the rabbit must pay close attention to safety. Do not try to be in brave adventure, especially weapon of mass annihilation. Avoid handling metal piece. Prone to small conflicts between husband and wife should know how to appreciate each other.
12th month:
The last month of the year, there is reasonable improvement in all aspects. Work gets better, social skills seem better. It easier for the rabbit to gain popularity, opportunity and support. You can also be prepare to take the opportunity to obtain more progress. Wealth has improve, as long as you work hard you will get good return. Grab the opportunity as much as you can this month. There is also good improvement in your relationship, couples experience each other's importance and learn to cherish more than before. Relatively speaking, this month you should be paying more pay attention to health, especially in gastrointestinal aspect.
出生年份:1951 、1963、1975、1987、1999
1951年属兔人: “比劫夺财”1951年为辛卯兔年生人与2011年辛卯流年之天干地支成天比地比之象;命书云:“与太岁形成比劫之势,为比劫夺财”;又云“与太岁分庭抗礼,其财运、事业、生活及身体方面均为不利”;总的运势来讲为消耗性比较大,如不注意化解,可能消耗掉大半生积蓄;最为差的月份为农历的正月、二月、及八月份。辛卯年出生的人今年为真正犯太岁的年份,健康容易出问题,尤其是肝胆疾病及跌伤等,可摆放及佩戴[狗兔守福]吉祥物,可化解太岁流年之厄运;同时年初在床头或者书桌旁挂上“易安居太岁锦囊”,以五帝明咒和七宝石、五行珠等化解太岁带来的灾厄,以使兔年平安顺利,无灾无难。
农历正月 庚寅月(阳历2011年2月3日——2011年3月4日)
农历二月 辛卯月(阳历2011年3月5日——2011年4月2日)
农历三月 壬辰月(阳历2011年4月3日——2011年5月2日)
农历四月 癸巳月(阳历2011年5月3日——2011年6月1日)
农历五月 甲午月(阳历 2011年6月2日——2011年6月30日)
农历六月 乙未月(阳历2011年7月1日——2011年7月30日)
农历七月 丙申月(阳历2011年7月31日——2011年8月28日)
农历八月 丁酉月(阳历2011年8月29日——2011年9月26日)
农历九月 戊戌月 (阳历2011年9月27日——2011年10月26日)
农历十月 己亥月(阳历2011年10月27日——2011年11月24日)
农历十一月 庚子月(阳历2011年11月25日——2011年12月24日)
农历十二月 辛丑月(阳历2011年12月25日——2012年1月22日)
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