Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Picture bergerak

The patterns are used to test the
Level of stress a person can handle..

The slower the pictures move, the
Better your ability of handling stress.

Alleged criminals that were tested
See them spinning around madly.

However, senior citizens and kids
See them standing still.

None of these images are animated
- they are perfectly still.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Contract Law In MALAYSIA

Legal Issue on Contract Law in Malaysia - Good for us to know
This is something I like to share with you from one of my seminar recently. If you find this informative, pls circulate. It was conducted by A/P Catherine Tay on Legal issues in E-commerce.

Notice that most of the time, the receipt / invoice you received from the merchant carries this exclusion clause or similarly worded statement:
'Goods sold are not returnable' or 'No refund once sold'.

The thing that I have learnt from her is that : 'As long as your good is purchased for home use and not for business ( i.e. to be resold), the above exclusion clause is VOID.

That means, as long as the good is defective, regardless of what is worded, you CAN get back all your money spent. You do not have to accept a repair on the good or an exchange. You CAN ask for a refund. AND you are LEGALLY right and entitled to! What a relevation!!

And most of the time the merchant will refuse to return you your money.

Her advice? >From her own experience ( and no less than 7 and all successful!) , she will threaten the merchant with four words: 'SEE YOU IN COURT!'

The court here refers to the Small Claims Tribunal Court .

However, you don't have to tell them what court! All you have to pay is RM10 admin fee and the loser (the merchant) will have to refund you the money PLUS the admin fee!

She shared this with us because she felt that even educated people are cowed by such unfair wordings (which includes her jaded friends who are not lawyers).

Pls try not to let the merchant fleece you the next time you have a defective good.

I know where to file this. On the 16th floor of Putra Place (The Mall opposite Putra World Trade Centre) . The form cost RM5.00. The Tribunal will settle within 2 months period.

Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia ,
Tingkat 16, Putra Place ,
100, Jalan Putra ,
Tel: 03 - 40492300 / 40424181 Fax: 03 - 40424259

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FW: Husband & Wife joint account in Malaysia

Hi ! Dear All,

Just to share with you one recent article i read and shocked me a lot. It
happens in west Malaysia , husband and wife and 1 son. Husband pass away due
to accident, husband has a RM50k joint saving account with wife, what happen is
the wife / like most people think,when husband pass away, she will get the money automatically
since it is joint account. But to her surprise, She could not withdraw even a
single cent!! Joint saving account is meant for convenience when spouse need
it the most, but most people always assume once the other holder dies, another
half will get the money automatically which is very wrong.

I would like to share my opinion with all of you, you may take it as
educational thoughts or for you to be aware. When one person dies, the other
joint holder of the saving account will get the money automatically only if
that particular bank practise ' JOINT TENANCY ' - this terms means one party
die, the other joint party gets money automatically.

But unfortunately, not all banks practise JOINT TENANCY, some foreign
banks practise and most local banks don ' t practise, If you want to be sure, just
ask your bank is their joint saving account based on JOINT TENANCY, if it
is yes, get the black and white.

Can u all imagine, when husband pass away, the wife already suffer
emotional loss, now suffering the problem of having ' NO MONEY ' although it is in
join account. Because of husband ignorance, now the wife and son pay for it.

Hope the above helps for you. Just take note.
so, make the move now... action....b4 too late

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
