Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to prevent mosquitoes lay eggs, cheapest way of preventing >>survival of mosquitoes.

We cannot stop mosquitoes lay eggs at any stagnant water in drains/ponds
>>or water collected in waste pails, tanks, tins, used tires etc. etc. Of
>>course if you have fish inside the tanks/containers then there should be
>>no problem.
>>Do you know that there is a very simple and very economical way to destroy
>>the mosquitoes' eggs and not let them hatch into larvae. Very, very
>>simple, just put in few 1 cent copper coins into the tanks/containers then
>>it will solve all your problems. Because in
>>accordance to Japanese Research Scientists, they found the mosquitoes eggs
>>will be destroyed by a kind of mineral discharge from the copper.
>>DON'T BELIEVE, Try it by yourself and even the small snails also will not
>>visit the containers (with copper coins) collected with stagnant water.
>>You will observe the water collected in the containers will be very clean
>>and clear.
>>I can't wait to try this in the summer!
>>Mosquito Spray...Worth a try
>>I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting
>>everyone.. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with
>>Listerine, and the little demons disappeared.
>>The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat
>>whenever I
>>saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well.. It worked at a picnic
>>where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing
>>area, and the standing water nearby During the summer, I don't leave home
>>without it.....Pass it on.
>>OUR FRIEND'S COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors.
>>It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from
>>Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big
>>bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of Bug-spray you
>>buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this, please. It will last a
>>couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front
>>door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames, and
>>even inside the dog house.
>>Now this a good way to prevent mosquitoes from attacking you!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


有一個男人為了參加第二天的小學同學會,特地上街買一條新長褲。他回家穿上後,卻發覺長度多了 十公分
於是,起來替兒子改長褲,剪短了 十公分
於是替先生改長褲,剪短了 十公分
於是替爸爸改長褲,剪短了 十公分

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


> 1.過敏体質者:
> 美國科學家調查了近4萬人,發現對藥物或化學試劑等過敏的人,
> 2.經常熬夜者:
> 雖然癌症的發病至今尚未弄清,但有一點睡眠不好是一個危險的因素。因為癌細胞是在正常細胞裂變過程中發生突變而形成的,而夜間又是細胞裂變最旺盛的時期,睡眠不好,人體很難控制細胞發生變化而成為癌細胞。熬夜者為提神而吸煙、喝咖啡,也會使更多的致癌物侵入體內。
> 3.肥胖者:
> 哥倫比亞大學的研究資料顯示,肥胖女性發生結腸癌的危險性比一般女性高兩倍。美國癌症中心報告,腰部以上特別肥胖的女性患乳腺癌的可能性要高出正常者4至6倍。
> 4.維他命缺乏者:(多吃多類新鮮蔬果就不易缺乏)
> 特別容易患癌,人體內保護性維生素低的人易患癌症。如維生素A缺乏者罹患胃癌的危險增加3.5倍,患其他癌的危險增加兩倍多;維生素C缺乏者罹患膀胱癌、食道癌、腎上腺癌的危險增加兩倍;在維生素E不足的人群中,唇癌、口腔癌、咽癌、皮膚癌、宮頸癌、胃癌、腸癌、肺癌等患病率均增高。
> 5.膽固醇過低者:
> 膽固醇過高會引起冠狀動脈硬化或中風。其實,膽固醇是人體內不可缺少的養分之一,也是抵抗疾病的生力軍,並非越低越好。英國研究人員的報告稱,中老年女性死亡的一個重要危險因素就是膽固醇過低(不過這種病例不高)。
> 6.常飲高熱的濃茶者:
> 醫學研究發現,經常飲用高溫(> prefix = st1 ns =
> 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags'
> />80℃以上)茶水有可能燙傷食管,而茶中的鞣質可在損傷部位沉積,不斷刺激食管上皮細胞,使之發生突變,而突變細胞大量增殖後即可變成癌組織。(同樣也不要喝太燙的湯)
> 7.高血壓患者:
> 美國對30多萬名男子的臨床研究表明,高血壓病人的癌症罹患率和死亡率為血壓正常者的兩倍多,並預言未來10年的癌症死亡率可能與血壓升高成正比。當然不是說高血壓直接導致癌症,而是兩病的發生有某些共同機制,如肥胖、嗜酒、吃鹽過多等既可促使血壓升高,也可誘發癌症。
> 8.經常憋大小便者:
> 尿液中有一種可以致癌的物質,會侵害膀胱的肌肉纖維,促發癌變;故專家們主張每小時排尿一次。大便有害物質多,如:硫化氫及其它致癌物,經常刺激腸粘膜會導致癌變。故防範之舉是每天定時排便。
> 9.拒飲優酪乳者:
> 優酪乳中含有高活性的乳酸菌和其它益菌,能減少人體對脂肪的吸收。每天飲用酸牛奶,可增加人体免疫球蛋白的數量,使人體的免疫功能得以加強,從而降低癌病的發病率。
> 10.偏肉食者:
> 過多的動物脂肪乃是誘發某些癌症的主要原因。美國哈佛大學專家發現,每天以豬、牛、羊等畜肉為主食的女性,患腸癌的比例比那些每月只吃幾次肉者高出2.5 倍。日本人目前每天的脂肪攝取量比50 年代增加了4倍,患癌者則不斷提高。以下是醫學系研究所研究教授做出來的實驗報告,可信度百分之百。
> 已證實易產生致癌病毒的食物: (惡物)
> A、用烤的玉米不能吃,百分之百有毒(肝癌)
> B、過期的食物(有黴菌),含有黃菊毒素(肝癌),一定要吃新鮮的食物,不要捨不得丟
> C、香腸,熱狗都是致癌物
> D、吃花枝、魷魚就不要吃紅蘿蔔(在胃裡中和會形成亞硝酸)
> E、烤的,有焦的部份都要去掉,很毒
> F、莖類的植物(如馬鈴薯.....) 發芽就有毒
> 許多東西其實對身體有壞處,不能只顧吃的感覺(味覺),而忽略到這些....
> 要懂得選擇,不是吃得爽快就好,因為現在的污染,致病因素(化學添加物)太多了....
> 請大家在吃東西之前三思什麼是有益健康的食物

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Green Papaya tea gout disappeared


> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This is a really
> > effective, using an ordinary green tea, bubble tea can also
> > be, my
> > cousin brother ate have effective, and I also teach a
> > friend of gout drinking (his "toes joints"
> > off section has been deformed), after a week there is a very
> > significant improvement, two weeks after become normal,
> > nearly three years later, no longer heard from him said
> > that pain have been there, but he is afraid of a relapse
> > then he drinks every month in 1 or 3
> > times.
> >
> > Other friends have recover for years drinking
> > gout, all people also can drink, not bad.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Oh~ ~ good way!!! Quickly tell the people in
> > need!!!!
> >
> >
> > But I hope your friends around you do not need it
> > (which means that people around you who
> > are not suffer from gout, is a good thing oh!)
> >
> >
> >
> > China School of Pharmacy, Professor Lai ---
> > New recipes / New ways:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Green papaya cut into small be
> > placed into the water after boiling tea, same as tea-making
> > process and normal tea leaves.
> > According to the practical effect of clinical experience
> > better, and better treatment of uric acid effect (subject to
> > regular period of drinking)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Rende
> > Township, Tainan County mayor Liu Qing suffering from the
> > posterior wall of stomach pain for many years, the green
> > papaya drink as a tea pot, a month later it would actually
> > cure chronic disease, their families have uric
> > acid. Drinking papaya tea is not taking
> > medication, Liu, therefore plants a lot of papaya, he
> > sent the papaya to the sick relatives, friends and
> > folks.
> >
> >
> > F
> > Liu says the
> > mayor, the best choice of Green Papaya (fruit fat short),
> > large capacity, cut the top of papaya, then papaya dug up
> > within the seeds, and then down to open a small hole in
> > convenient for tea, 8 F side to open a ventilation
> > hole, put the tea leaves into the papaya, pour boiling water
> > at the top of the rear cover back to papaya and take the
> > toothpicks to fixed, tea process and normal tea
> > leaves.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Liu village chief, said the use of general quality
> > of Oolong tea can taste good, he drank as a tea for a month,
> > plagued for many years to cure stomach pains actually not
> > taking medication, and he is surprised that he showed at the
> > Medical Center papaya tea to his friends that serving in and
> > tests confirmed that healthy papaya enzyme, papaya orchard
> > is now as long as a suitable fruit, they brought to share
> > with family and friends.
> >
> >
> >
> > Xu
> > Fuchang, papaya farmers, local people referred to Green
> > Papaya, that is not yet ripe, the peel still on blue green
> > papaya. Generally, papaya should be about four
> > months to mature, but there is no effect after maturity,
> > Green Papaya harvesting in about three months or so, when
> > compared with fruit, within the "papaya milk"
> > contains papaya enzyme, papaya and other healthy ingredients
> > with B, not only drink tea, you can also boil and cuts into
> > small pieces, together with the ribs, or cut filaments and
> > Add fried garlic, are very tasty, and no adverse effects on
> > the human body.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Police and Your Basic Rights

Published by The Malaysian Bar Council in conjunction with TANGKAP
(Tindakan Anti Penyalah Gunaan Kuasa Polis)


1.1 Not in uniform, ask for identification
Say: “Please, show me your Police authority card”.

1.2 Police authority card
Red : Suspended Police Officer. He has no authority to do anything to you. Walk away.
Other colours:

  • Blue : Rank of Inspector and above
  • Yellow: Below the rank of Inspector
  • White : Reserve police

Note his name and Police authority card number.

1.3 In uniform
Note his name and ID number on his uniform.

1.4 Police vehicle
Note the number plate of the patrol car or motorcycle.


2.1 Your identification
Only give your name, ID card number and address.

2.2 The police ask other questions
Politely ask, “Am I under arrest?”

2.3 When you are under arrest
You are arrested if the police:

  • tell you “yes”;
  • do not allow you to leave/want to take you to the Police Station; or
  • handcuff you

If you are not under arrest, you may walk away/refuse to follow him back to the Police station or anywhere else, if asked.

2.4 When you cannot be arrested
The police cannot arrest you just because you are a potential witness and want to take a statement from you (112/Witness Statement).


3.1 112 Statement
When the Police are investigating a case and think you have information / knowledge about the case, the Police may question you and take down your answers (112 Statement).

3.2 Informal/Formal Request

Most times, the Police make an informal request that you give a 112 Statement. If the place and time is convenient to you, cooperate. If not, tell the Police you will do so at a convenient place and time.

If you refuse to cooperate, the Police may issue a formal order in writing, signed by an investigating officer (Police Officer) to ask you to cooperate.

If you disobey a Police Order, you cannot be arrested. However, it is an offence and the Police may request the Magistrate to issue a warrant against you to compel you to cooperate.

3.3 Giving a 112 Witness Statement
You have the right to ask a lawyer to accompany you. This is advisable.

In giving a 112 Statement, you may refuse to answer any question / remain silent if the answer is likely to expose you to a criminal offence.
  • Bring along a notebook or writing paper with you (Personal Notes).
  • Write down every question asked in your Personal Notes.
  • Make sure you understand every question asked.
  • Take your time and think carefully before writing your answers in your Personal Notes.
  • Read your answers to the Police Officer questioning you.
  • Keep your Personal Notes for future reference.

3.4 Signing your 112 Statement
Before signing your Statement, read the questions and your answers written by the Police Officer carefully.

  • Compare the Statement you are asked to sign with your Personal Notes.
  • You have the right to make any corrections/ changes to the Statement before signing.
  • Place your signature immediately below the last sentence of your Statement.


4.1 Ask: “Why am I under arrest?”

An arrest is unlawful if you are not informed of the reason.

4.2 Do not resist an arrest

The Police have the right to use reasonable force to arrest you if you resist.

4.3 Ask: “Which Police station are you taking me to?”

The arresting Police Officer must immediately take you to the nearest Police Station and no other place.

4.4 What to do when arrested

You have the right to telephone:
1. Your relative or friend; and
2. A lawyer.

You may also call a nearby Legal Aid Centre (LAC). Inform them:

  • you have been arrested;
  • the time, place and reason of the arrest;
  • the Police Station you will be taken to.

4.5 What happens after arrest
You may be detained up to 24 hours:

  • at the Police Station, or
  • in a lock-up to “assist” police investigation.


5.1 Right to consult a lawyer

Once you request for the presence of a lawyer, you have a right to consult the lawyer at the Police Station. The Police must accord you reasonable facilities and a reasonable time period for you to meet and consult the lawyer. The Police may, however, deny you this right, if the delay in questioning you may cause the occurrence of another crime or cause danger to others.

5.2 Clothing

You are allowed to have one set of clothing with you in the lock-up.

5.3 Personal belongings

The Police must record and put all your personal belongings in safe custody. Your personal belongings must be returned to you upon your release.

5.4 Welfare

You are allowed to take bath two times a day. If you are sick, you have the right to receive immediate medical attention. You are to be given proper and adequate food and water during detention.

5.5 How long can the Police detain you

The police can only detain you up to 24 hours for investigation. The duty of the police is to complete investigation within 24 hours and to release you as soon as possible. If the police cannot complete investigations within 24 hours, the police must bring you before a Magistrate far a remand order to extend your detention beyond 24 hours (Remand Order).


6.1 Who is a Magistrate

A Magistrate is a judicial officer. The Magistrate has power to issue a Remand Order to detain you for more than 24 hours.

6.2 Purpose of Remand Order

It is to give more time to the Police to complete their investigations and decide whether there is evidence to charge you for an offence. The Police cannot ask for a Remand Order only for the purpose of taking a Statement from you.

6.3 How long is a Remand Order
When the Police bring you before a Magistrate for a Remand Order, the Police must give reasons to the Magistrate why it is necessary to detain you beyond 24 hours. The Magistrate’s duty is to consider carefully the reasons given by the Police.
The Magistrate has the discretion:

  • not to make a Remand Order, and release you; or
  • make a Remand Order for a period shorter than that asked for by the Police.

The Magistrate has the power to make a Remand Order of not more than 4 days or 7 days depending on the offence being investigated. The Police may return at the expiration of this time period and apply for a 2nd Remand Order. The Magistrate may make a 2nd Remand Order of not more than 3 days or 7 days depending on the offence being investigated.

6.4 What to say when you are brought before a Magistrate for remand
Tell the Magistrate:

  • you want legal representation and to contact your lawyer, the LAC and your family;
  • you want medical treatment because you are sick or have been beaten;
  • if the Police threatened or beaten you during detention;
  • if you had been denied proper food/water/clothing , access to the toilet or necessary medical attention during your detention;
  • whether you had been detained previously, immediately before your current detention;
  • whether the Police carried out any investigations during your detention.

6.5 Ask for a shorter Remand Order from the Magistrate
Before the Magistrate makes the Remand Order, ask for a shorter period than what the Police asked. Give reasons (examples: "I will co-operate with the Police in their investigation", "I will be available and will not run away" etc).


7.1 When Police can do so

If you are at a place (example: disco/karaoke/ entertainment outlet) where the Police are conducting a raid to look for something there (example: drugs), the Police may detain and search you if they think you have or are hiding the thing being searched for.

This may only be done in the presence of a Police Officer ranked Inspector and above.

7.2 What to do

  • Do not allow the Police officer to put his hands into your clothes or pockets.
  • If you are asked to take out your belongings one by one, each time, say "purse", "keys", "ID card" etc.
  • When your pockets/bags are empty, turn them inside out.

7.3 Your rights

  • All body searches must be carried out in a professional manner and with decency.
  • A female can only be body searched by a female Police Officer.
  • If you are forced to strip naked or threatened with a strip search:
    1. Protest;
    2. Remember the Police Officer's name; and
  • Lodge a police report after the incident.

    8.1 When Police can do so

    • The Police reasonably suspect that you have evidence relating to a suspected offence.
    • You are arrested.
    • The body search must be conducted in a confined place. It is your right to be bodily searched in private.

    8.2 Type of Body search
    The law allows the Police to conduct 4 types of body search:

    1. Pat down” search - act of searching outer clothing.

    2. Strip search - to search for concealed evidence, object, contraband or weapon. May only be conducted with the authorisation of an officer ranked Inspector and above.

    3. Intimate search - to search beyond the mouth, nose and ears. May only be conducted with the authorisation of an officer ranked Assistant Superintendent (ASP) and above.

    4. Intrusive search - to determine the existence of objects etc. in the body. May only be conducted with the authorisation of the Officer in Charge of the Police District (OCPD). Must be conducted by a Government Medical Officer or Medical Officer.

    8.3 Your rights

    • All body searches must be carried out in a professional manner and with decency.
    • It is advisable to request that you be accompanied by your lawyer for the search.
    • A female can only be body searched by a female Police Officer.


    9.1 Identity of the Police Officer questioning you

    Note the name/rank of the Police Officer questioning you.

    9.2 Right to remain silent
    The Police Officer will first make friendly conversation/ talk (example: ask you about your family and friends etc). You are only obliged to give your full name, age, address and occupation (Personal Particulars) . Other than giving your Personal Particulars, you have the right to remain silent. Be polite. Do not be afraid to remain silent. This is your right. If you choose to remain silent, say: "I would like to exercise my right to silence".

    9.3 112 Statement by you during investigation
    The Police Officer will ask you questions and then write down your answers. The Police cannot threaten or force you into making a Statement. If you have been threatened, beaten or forced, lodge a police report against the Police Officer at the first opportunity. This is your right.

    9.4 112 Statement is not to be used as evidence
    Generally, any Statement you make to the Police during investigations cannot be used as evidence except if you are being charged for offences under, for example, the Dangerous Drugs Act, the Kidnapping Act and the Internal Security Act. However, you may use the Statement to support your defence during your trial.


    • Kuala Lumpur : 03-2691 3005 / 03-2693 2072
    • Selangor : 03-5510 7007 / 03-3281 2428
    • Negeri Sembilan : 06-6013 844
    • Melaka : 06-2845 519 / 06-2864 514
    • Johor : 07-2235 698
    • Perak : 05-2550 523
    • Kedah & Perlis : 04-7333 467
    • Kelantan : 04-7448 660
    • Pahang : 09-5159 244 / 09-2969 410
    • Pulau Pinang : 04-2617 451/ 04-3108 451